Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Book two-forty-two: Thirty Nothing

Thirty Nothing (2000)
Lisa Jewell

Rating: 3.5/5

I really liked this, even though the two main characters were a bit stupid at times. The thing I really enjoyed was finding out all the back story between them and finally understanding what was going on in the present.

Have you ever wondered what happened to your first love?

Imagine bumping into your first love twelve years after you last saw her. Imagine that she's even better-looking that she was when she was eighteen and that you ask her out for dinner and she says yes. This is what happens to Dig Ryan on the day of this thirtieth birthday
Now imagine that you're Nadine, Dig's best friend for the last fifteen years.

Imagine that Delilah was your nemesis at school and that even after twelve years, you can't bear to be around her. You might find yourself feeling unexpectedly jealous and you might do something really childish like phoning your first love and asking him out, just to get your own back.

This is a story about ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends and what happens when you start messing with the past. It's also a story about best friends and growing up and how sometimes what you're looking for isn't in the past or the future, but right under your nose.

Finished: Saturday 29/12

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