Monday, November 12, 2007

Book one-eight-five: My False Heart

My False Heart (1999)
Liz Carlyle

Rating: 2/5

I’m not sure if I was half asleep when I read this or what, but for most of the time I had no clue what was going on. The stuff with the main characters in it made perfect sense, but the other bits… I couldn’t even keep the other characters straight.

It was pretty good, if I just ignored all the other stuff… oh well.

When the dissolute Marquis of Rannoch pursues a spiteful mistress into the wilds of Essex, he is surprised to find himself hopelessly lost—in more ways than one. Drawn to a warmly lit house along a country lane, he is mistaken for an overdue guest, and dares not reveal his identity, lest they throw him back into the rain, a fate he admittedly deserves.

Evangeline van Artevalde is an artist of exceptional talent and extraordinary secrets. Isolated from society by choice, the beautiful Flemish refugee has fled her homeland in search of a secure haven for the children in her family. Essex seems a perfectly safe place to hide, until one rainy night when a dark stranger enters her home, her life, and eventually, her heart...

Finished: Tuesday 15/10

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