A Well Pleasured Lady (1997)
Christina DoddRating: 1.5/5
It was disconcerting that they kept have these whispered conversations with other people in the room. It seemed like the group conversation would pause and wait for them to finish talking before continuing.
I just kept picturing everyone in the room frozen in some kind of Georgian wax model display, that would spring back to life once the main characters were done with their little chat.
And the whole “forced seduction” thing. Yick.
Powerful Sebastian Durant, Viscount Whitfield, has good cause to hate the Fairchild family, so when his godmother requests Sebastian's help in regaining an incriminating diary she believes to have been stolen by the Fairchilds, he welcomes the opportunity to exact revenge. Lady Mary Fairchild, though estranged from her family for 10 years, is loath to aid the Viscount. Unfortunately, her loyalty to his godmother, and the knowledge that Sebastian is privy to the dark secret she hides from the world, compels her to cooperate. The handsome Viscount and the beautiful Lady Mary pose as engaged lovers, and their charade soon becomes reality as they untangle a web of lies, theft, and betrayal that threatens their very lives.
Finished: Sunday 17/6
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