Rachel Gibson
Rating: 1.75/5
What is Clare Wingate doing? One minute she’s suffering in a pretty-in-pink gown she’ll never wear again, and the next thing she knows it’s morning… and she has the nastiest hangover of her life.

Clare had the right go wild – after all, she’d been knocked off her dyed-to-match shoes after finding her own fiancé in a comprising position with the washing machine repairman. Clearly her society wedding is off.
But Sebastian pushed all the wrong buttons – and some of the right ones, too. Clare is in no mood for love – no even for lust – and wants to forget about Sebastian and his six-pack abs ASAP. But he isn’t in the mood to go away, and his kiss is impossible to forget.
Most annoying thing: too many brand names. “Clare walked barefoot across the parking lot and tanked God her [expensive car brand] was exactly where she recalled leaving it the day before… Sebastian had looked like he belonged on a billboard selling [expensive jean]’s…she covered her eyes with her gold [designer sunglasses].” And that is all just from one little-bitty paragraph.
The constant mentioning of brand names (why can’t they just say car, billboard, sunglasses instead?) takes you out of the story and makes you why the hell they are brand dropping like crazy. Are they getting paid some kind of endorsement fee? Why else would they bother?
I would say they were trying to build the character of a spoilt rich-girl who thinks of everything in terms of brand (which would have made some sense). But every character you heard from was like that.
* Finished: 26/5
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