Monday, October 20, 2008

Book three-hundred-and-nine: Under the Rose

Under the Rose (2007)
Diana Peterfreund

Last book of the list. Wahoo!

I sort of liked the first in this series, liked this one and really liked the next.

However, there is definitely something about them that makes me come away feeling a little, I don’t know… stupid? I kind of feel like I’ve missed something, while at the same time feeling like the characters are completely missing the point as well.

Maybe it’s that I don’t really understand the whole secret society thing. I mean, how big of a deal can it possibly be?

Or perhaps I am just jealous that I had to spend the majority of my time during my undergrad studying. I mean, really, you are not going to graduate from a normal university if you spend your whole time running around doing things for a secret society that no one is supposed to know you are a part of.
See, that’s the me not getting it part.

The good part of this series is the characters (very real), the writing and the fact that months after reading it and when I couldn’t even remember some of the other books, I am still sitting here pondering if Amy would graduate in real life.

Amy Haskel made it into elite Eli University. Then she made it into the ultraselective Order of Rose & Grave. Now a senior, Amy is looking her future squarely in the eye—until someone starts selling society secrets. When a series of bizarre messages suggests conspiracy within the ranks and a female knight mysteriously disappears, no member of Rose & Grave is safe…or above suspicion.

On her side, Amy has a few loyal Diggirls—her fellow female Rose & Grave knights. Against her? Certainly it's a group of Rose & Grave's überpowerful patriarchs who want their old boys' club back. As new developments in her love life threaten to implode, and the case of the vanished Diggirl gets weirder by the moment, Amy will need to use every society trick she's ever learned in order to set things right. Even if it means turning to old adversaries for help—or discovering that the real foes are closer than she'd thought….

Friday 29/2/08

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