Susan Squires
Rating: 2.25/5
Alright; but I got sick of the flashbacks.
Ian Rufford was captured, enslaved, and then abandoned in the lonely dunes of Egypt’s desert. His tormentor was a woman of magnificent beauty… and the blackest of souls. Now, Ian prays for a death that will not come. Only after his rescue does he begin to realize how he has changed. But he understands very little. Just that he is carrying something strange in his blood known only as “The Companion.”

By the end of this fairly long book, whenever I saw italics I was groaning. I thought the flashbacks were over-used. I mean, the occasional thought back in time is quite common in the whole “tortured” character thing, but I’d rather be shown how its effecting them in the present, then keep seeing what happened to them in the past.
I also don’t understand how at the beginning of the book, Beth was willing to marry her father’s gay business partner, then about six chapters later was heard to be droning on about how she would Only Marry For Love.
Maybe we were supposed to think she was originally effect by grief?
Anyway, I think this is the start of a series, but I’m not sure if I’d be interested in reading anymore. I’d have to see what they were about.
* Finished: 4/5
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