Delicious* (2006)
Jami Alden
Rating: 1.25/5
Can I just say the title lies: this book isn’t all that delicious. It does have some okay angst moments towards the end.
I bought this book online, not really knowing too much about it. I think it was recommended on a blog somewhere. It did come with a highly embarrassing warning on the back “WARNING! This is a REALLY HOT book. (Sexually Explicit).” Of course my mother read this. Of course she then decided she would read the book. She said “it was alright. It was racy, but nothing too bad.” Thanks mum.I had a lot of trouble getting into this book. I thought the beginning was too much thinking, not enough other stuff. I really could have done without having to read back story, motivations, thinking, musing etc. all in the first few chapters, with not much else happening.
I also think that if she was going to do the whole “they met once, then meet again, oh my!” plot, she should have give us their first meeting as a prologue. Because it was very annoying to feel like you weren’t getting the inside joke because you didn’t know what had went on… but then, I guess if she had done that, the near constant references would have been more tiring.
The characters were okay. Meanwhile, I think I’m obsessed at the moment with character likeability. It’s all I ever talk about.
I will admit that the only thing that kept me reading for the first six or so chapters was the warning on the back, and the fact that nothing in the first half of the book requires that warning. Heh.
The last quarter was where things actually got better, which is what earned it a higher rating in the end. There was a bit of angst and I was actually kind of concerned about the characters.
I only just remembered when I was doing the tags for this post, that there is actually this whole stalker thing going on.
* Finished Saturday, March 31st.
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