Maureen Johnson
Rating: 3.5/5
Hmm. I am feeling conflicted about this book. I guess that is fitting giving how the characters feel.

Another part was that they were so selfish and inconsiderate. Don’t get me wrong, it is necessary to have characters like this in books – we have them in life, it would be unrealistic not to have them going on their merry ways in books. Its just I found it very hard to care about them.
I mean, I did care about what was happening, because I really liked two of the other characters (who, incidentally, are the ones whose feelings get stomped on by the other two). I just didn’t think there was enough character development for the other two. I didn’t really believe at the end, that they wouldn’t do the same thing over again.
I guess I just didn’t like some parts of the ending.
I want realism, but I also want the people I like to be happy. And I guess in a way they were, just not in the way they wanted to be originally. And I’m not saying that one of the relationships should have continued, I just thought the other was weird. Like, to make it different Johnston didn’t go for the requisite ending, but then by doing that, the character was committing the same thing they’d spent half the book bemoaning.
See? Conflicted.
It’s still worth reading.
It’s still worth reading. If only** for the fact that it deals with issues that I have never seen addressed in a YA book. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen in done so well in any book. Maybe I should stop complaining about the fact that the characters were self centred and feel a bit more compassionate myself for what they were going through. I can't imagine how difficult it must be to deal with that. I mean, I had trouble enough as it was.
* Finished Thursday, 22/3
** Well, not really “if only,” but more like another reason why it really is a good book. Despite my conflicts with it.
1 comment:
hey, do you know where I can find this book's e-book? I really wanna read it and it hasn't been published in my country.
i'd appriciate if you tell me
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